
You can find here a description of preferences you can set for the WiimoteCommander software.

To access the "Preferences" window, use the "Application->Preferences" main window menu option.

You can change:

Startup Configuration

Startup Parameters

You can set parameters used at startup: Startup Preferences

3D Window Configuration

Smoothing Movements Filter

The smoothing movements filter permit to stabilize the 3D image by not taking in account very little moves.

You can specify the movement amount threshold for both X and Y axes.

If you set the threshold to zero, the smooth filter will have no effect (as if it didn't exist).

Ambient light color

You can select the ambient light color that illuminate the 3D wiimote.

3D Preferences

Audio Configuration

Sound capture

Following parameters are used to set the way we capture sounds:
Sample rate
Set the number of captured samples during one second (Hz).
Sample size
Set the size (in bits) of a sample.
Choose "Mono" or "Stereo" mode.
Indicate if audio data bytes are signed.
Big Endian
Indicate if audio data is coded with the "Big Endian" order.

Save file format

This parameter permit to choose in which file format captured sounds are saved when you use the [Save] button in audio section of the controller window. You can choose one of the following values (Supported by the Java sound API):

Audio Preferences

Analog Sticks Configuration

Used colors

You can define used colors :

Analog Sticks Preferences

Infra-Red Widget Configuration

Used colors

You can define used colors :

Infra-Red Widget Preferences

Accelerometer Widget Configuration

Used colors

You can define used colors :

Scale Grid

You display or not the scale grid components :

Reset Delay for min/max Values

You can control the number of data captures that occur before min/max value persistant lines are reset.

Accelerometer Widget Preferences