
This page describes what you can do specifically for the wiimote itself.


After you've launched the application you must use "Application -> Start wiimotes discovery..." menu option to start the discovery process.
A modal window appears with an explanation text within:
Wiimotes Discovery Window
Then you have two choices: When a wiimote is detected an icon appears inside the main window.
Its unique identifier is displayed as the title of the border arround its icon.
The first real wiimote will have number 0 (next will be 1, ...).
The first faked wiimote will have number 10 (next will be 11, ...).
You can have a maximum of 7 connected wiimotes.


You can see two kind of wiimote events: Note: Infra-Red events are displayed in a separate window

Wiimote Events Window

Horizontal gray lines are "G" markers (Centre line means "zero G", upper one means "one G"...)
Maximum reached values remain as thin lines on each axis graph. They are cleared after a configured delay.

Acceleration events

Acceleration on three axes (X, Y and Z) are shown as graphic bars (Red, Green and Blue respectively).
Acceleration can be negative. In this case, the corresponding bar goes down.

Wiimote Axis System

Note: As there is gravity on earth, the Z axis acceleration value is a bit positive when the wiimote is not moving ;-)

Button events

You can see buttons on a layout visually simular to the wiimote.
A released button (inactive) appears with a grey background.
A pressed button appears with a red background. On example above you can see that (A) and (B) buttons are both currently pressed.

Infra-Red events

I.R. Events Window

The yellow area displays detected hot spots from the wiimote IR camera in real time.
Dots are represented as small red crosses.

Infra-Red events as complex cursor

Infra-Red events can also be displayed as a Complex cursor: If wiimote doesn't point any more to the infra-red sensor bar, cursor is "out of limits".
In this case, he remains at its last known position and becomes red.

I.R. Events as a Complex Cursor

3D view

The wiimote 3D viewer just shows a real time view of the wiimote movements:

Wiimote 3D Viewer Window


The status window gives information on various reports from the wiimote:

Wiimote Status Window

General information

Bluetooth Address
The bluetooth address of the connected wiimote
Battery Level
Remaining power of the wiimote battery (100% = Full charged)
Infra-Red Mode
Current mode of the wiimote infra-red camera (Basic, Extended or Full). WiimoteCommander uses Basic mode.
Speaker Volume
Current set volume of the wiimote speaker (100% = Maximum Volume)

Acceleration Constants

These constants correspond to return values for "Zero G" and "One G" acceleration on each axis:

Value sent if acceleration on X axis is equals to zero G
Value sent if acceleration on Y axis is equals to zero G
Value sent if acceleration on Z axis is equals to zero G
Value sent if acceleration on X axis is equals to one G
Value sent if acceleration on Y axis is equals to one G
Value sent if acceleration on Z axis is equals to one G

Various Booleans

Here is the signification of these booleans:

Accelerometers enabled
true if wiimote accelerometers are enabled (we'll receive acceleration events).
IR sensor enabled
true if the wiimote IR camera is on (we'll receive IR events).
Vibrating (normal)
true if wiimote is curently vibrating in normal mode.
Vibrating (modulated)
true if wiimote is currently vibrating in modulated mode.
Playing a sound
true if wiimote speaker is currently playing a sound.
Speaker enabled
true if the wiimote speaker is activated (required to play a sound).
Speaker muted
true if the wiimote speaker is muted (continue to play the current sound, but it's not audible).
Data continuous mode
true if wiimote is in "Data continuous mode". In this mode, the wiimote sends data reports continuously.


These four checkboxes correspond to wiimote LEDs. If a wiimote LED is illuminated, the corresponding checkbox is checked.


The checkbox indicates if an extension is connected (checked). If it's the case the extension name is show inside brackets.


The controller window permit to send commands to the wiimote:

Wiimote Controller Window


Clic on (On) or (Off) radio-button to start/stop the wiimote rumbling.


Clic on LEDs (On) or (Off) radio-buttons to light on/off the corresponding wiimote LEDs.


To play a sound please use following steps:

  1. Select a sound source:
    • Select "File" radio button and choose an audio file with [Browse...] button.
    • Or select "Record" radio button and capture a sound with [Rec.] and [Stop] buttons. You can optionally save the captured sound into a file using the [Save] button.
  2. Clic on [Play] button to start playing the sound.
    You can play the sound on the computer speakers or on the wiimote one. Simply use the [Play] and [Stop] buttons from the relevant section.
  3. Clic on the corresponding [Stop] button to stop playing the sound.
While the sound is playing on the wiimote, you can adjust the speaker volume:
  1. Set the slider to the desired volume.
  2. Clic on the [Set] button to send the command to the wiimote.
Finally, you can also mute/unmute the wiimote speaker by using corresponding buttons.